IFPA visits our school and shares current trends in the Professional Aromatherapy Training | My CMS

IFPA visits our school and shares current trends in the Professional Aromatherapy Training

Earlier this week our school had a prominent visitor from the UK. Vivienne Hinks, registered Holistic Aromatherapist and IFPA Principal Lecturer as well as current Chair of Accreditation, stopped by on her school visit tour across Asia.

APA has been an early member of IFPA (The International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists) and was the first accredited school in Hong Kong offering its courses according to IFPA’s criteria. Ever since 1999, graduates of the APA Academy have been able to apply for IFPA membership directly with their diploma qualification.

The IFPA is the largest professional aromatherapy practitioners’ organisation in the world, and is a strong, respected voice in the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).
We had a chance to talk with Vivienne about her role in the IFPA, current developments in the professional Aromatherapy training and her tips for our Diploma course graduates:

1) Vivienne, can you tell our readers a bit about your important role in the IFPA?

Well, I’m a full member of the IFPA and current Chair of Accreditation which means when schools apply, I look at their documents, assess the qualifications of their teachers, see if they meet our standard criteria – basically check if they are worth an accreditation.

We do annual reviews and I try to inspect a school every two months. Accredited schools have to provide a report for us to see their progress. I work closely with the person responsible for education to make sure everything runs smoothly. Occasionally we give improvement suggestions. If needed, the IFPA also provides teacher training courses or recommends CPD courses.

2) What developments of Professional Aromatherapy training do you currently see?

At the moment, we get quite a few enquiries from schools asking if they can offer Holistic Aromatherapy Diploma courses without Massage. There are some people who might not want to touch or people with physical disabilities who still would like to train as an aromatherapist.

So, we try to make changes happen, support improvements and adapt our criteria while still maintaining high standards. We want to see growth and change in our profession!

3) Can you give our students and graduates some tips on how to further deepen their knowledge?

Once you have finished your Diploma Course, practice aromatherapy for at least 2 years before you go off and study other therapies. It’s important that you know what you know well.

Also, try to work with people who are well (or only have minor ailments) before working with people who are very ill. Learn how to handle people well first and get used to touching different bodies.

Really experience essential oils – have at least one with you all the time and play around. And of course, jump at every opportunity to learn something new.

Thanks so much, Vivienne! If you’d like to know more about the IFPA or want to apply for their membership, please email us: info@apagroup.com.hk