Aromatherapy Q & A | My CMS

Aromatherapy Q & A

In this week’s “Aromatherapy Q&A” we were curious to know how our therapists mentally prepare before treating their clients. So we asked Wynnie Ng, Cherry Lo and Roy Chan to share their preparation methods with us:

“How do you mentally prepare for your massage treatment?”

1. Wynnie Ng:

I normally will do a quick meditation or visualisation, together with deep and slow breathing to calm my thoughts, so I can relax and bring my focus on being fully present for the client and the massage treatment.

I will also set the intent to work with the innate wisdom of the body to faciliate its natural self healing potentials for the highest good.

2. Cherry Lo:

“Be Neutral, Stay open-minded”

As a professional therapist, we should always keep our high-end quality service all the time. Be neutral to see what is the client main focus for today’s appointment.

3. Roy Chan:

For me I don’t have any special technique for it but I have a habit of being to the work place almost half an hour earlier since I cannot focus on work if I am in a rush feeling. I also don’t want to show my clients of my poor preparation with sweat and short breaths from rushing.

Would you like to experience a soothing treatment by one of our professional therapists? Have a look at our treatment center and book your massage here!