Aromatherapy Q & A | My CMS

Aromatherapy Q & A

In this week’s “Aromatherapy Q&A” we were curious to know how our students take care of their holistic health by using aromatherapy essential oils. So we asked Jessie, Connie and Wylie to kindly reveal their secrets to wellbeing to our readers:

“What is your favorite essential oil you use after a stressful day?”

1. Jessie Luk, Certificate Course Level 2 student:

“I love Lavender oil! I love the smell and the calm it brings to my soul.”

2. Connie Hui, Diploma Course student:

“I can say I don’t feel stressful each day ever since I use Rose Otto essential oil, making a special face blend for my daily use.”

3. Wylie Ng, Diploma Course student:

“Grapefruit – it’s refreshing and the sweet scent cheers me up!”

Would you like to know how to use essential oils for your own health and wellbeing? Enroll in our upcoming workshop with Shireen Calucin “Essential Oil Blending For Scent and Therapeutic Purposes” on 24 February. Seats are limited – sign-up now!